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Data ultimei actualizari: 12 Octombrie 2009


Pentru moment nu dispunem de date privind competiile existente la nivel european privind oportunitatile de finantare a proiectelor din invatamantul superior.

  Evenimente internationale incheiate  (33 inregistrari)

28-29 februarie 2008The consequences of different cost sharing scenarios in higher education. Final conference of the EU-funded project "Public/private funding of higher education: a social balance".Centre Monbijou, Berlin
8-9 mai 2008EURASHE's 18th General Assembly and Annual ConferenceMalta
21-23 mai 2008Higher Education: Spaces and Places for Learning, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer", Helsinki, Finland,Universitatea Tehnica din Helsinki Finlanda
23-25 mai 2008Fifth EUREDOCS conference "Modernising European Higher Education: Priorities, Ideas and Challenges", CIPES, Porto, PortugalCIPES - Centre for Research on Higher Education Policies, Portugal
29-30 mai 2008Fostering student mobility: next steps? Involving stakeholders for an improved mobility inside the EHEABrussels, Belgia, Salle DuprA?el ??? UniversitA? Libre de Bruxelles
1-3 iunie 2008EUA-CDE Conference, The launch conference of the EUA Council for Doctoral EducationUniversitatea din Lausanne, Elvetia
5-6 iunie 2008The Emerging Global University Market, Reykjavik, IcelandReykjavik
15-17 iunie 2008ACA Annual Conference "Beyond 2010 - Priorities and Challenges for Higher Education in the Next Decade",Archimedes Foundation, Tallinn, Estonia
19-20 iunie 2008Bologna Seminar on Development of a Common Understanding of Learning Outcomes and ECTSPorto, Portugalia
26-27 iunie 20083rd International Conference on e-LearningUniversitatea din Cape Town, South Africa
10-12 iulie 2008International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education (ICICTE) 2008Corfu, Greece
15-18 iulie 2008IAU (The International Association for Universities) 13th General Conference: "Higher Education and Research Addressing Local and Global Needs, OlandaUniversitatea din Utrecht, Olanda
17 iulie 2008CHEPS seminar Universities and their role in the knowledge transfer in Europe and the USUniversiteit Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
17-19 iulie 2008Paris International Conference on Education, Economy & Society, Paris, FranceNovotel Paris Tour Eiffel, 17-19 July 2008
8-10 septembrie 20082008 General Conference, Outcomes of higher education: quality, relevance and impactCentrul de Conferinte OECD, Paris Franta
11-13 septembrie 200821st CHER Conference: "Excellence and Diversity in Higher Education Meanings, Goals and Instruments"University of Pavia
24-27 septembrie 20084th International Conference of The National Center for Developmental Education on Research in Access and Developmental Education
San Juan, Puerto Rico.
San Juan, Puerto Rico
25-27 septembrie 2008International Conference on the Enhancement and Dissemination of Information, Research and Knowledge on Higher Education,Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
13-17 octombrie 2008Intensive professional course for Quality Management in Higher Education in Enschede, University of Twente.University of Twente, Holland
23-25 octombrie 2008EUA Autumn Conference 2008 Inclusive and responsive universities - ensuring Europe"s competitiveness in the knowledge societyUniversitatea Erasmus din Rotterdam, Olanda
20-22 noiembrie 2008European Quality Assurance ForumUniversitatea Corvinus din Budapesta, Ungaria.
13-16 octombrie 2009Australian International Education Conference 2009: Global Higher education: Current Trends, Future PerspectivesSydney, Australia
21-24 octombrie 20092009 Global Forum on Cross-Border Higher EducationKuala Lumpur, Malaysia
3-5 noiembrie 200923rd Annual Conference: Evaluation of Open and Distance Learning SystemsPayame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
8-10 octombrie 2009EUA Autumn Conference 2009: Internationalisation beyond Europe's frontiers: enhancing attractiveness through global Partnership and Cooperation Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany
5 decembrie 2009Seminar: The legal impact of the Bologna implementation Vienna, Austria
22-24 octombrie 2009ELM 2009: 2nd Conference on the Labour Market for Academic GraduatesMaastricht, The Netherlands
4-6 noiembrie 2009 IAU 2009 International Conference The Role of Higher Education in Fostering the Culture of Dialogue and Understanding Notre Dame University-Louaize, Beirut, Lebanon
12-13 decembrie 2009 Rethinking the university after Bologna: New concepts and practices beyond tradition and the market University Antwerp
16-18 noiembrie 2009International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation Madrid, Spain
25-26 iunie 2010IAU Annual Conference: Ethics and Values in Higher Education in the Era of Globalization: What Role for the Disciplines? Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania
11-12 martie 2010Bologna Ministerial ConferenceBudapest, hungary & Vienna, Austria
20-24 octombrie 2010World Universities' Congress: What should be the new aims and responsibilities of universities within the framework of global issues Cannakkale, Turkey